Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry is one of the leading treatment centers for individuals struggling with suicidal ideations. Located in Columbus, Ohio Hospital offers lasting recovery for adults and seniors struggling with mental health & co-occurring addiction issues.
Treating Suicidal Ideations
Understanding Treatment for Suicidal Ideations
Suicide is a desperate attempt to escape pain and suffering that has become too much for an individual to handle. Blinded by feelings of self-loathing, hopelessness, and isolation, a suicidal person is unable to see any other way besides death to end their pain. However, despite the desire for the pain to end, most suicidal individuals are conflicted about ending their own lives. They wish there was an alternative but are simply not able to see one.
Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, a leading hospital for suicidal ideations in Columbus, provides a continuum of care for adults and senior adults who are struggling with a number of different mental health problems. We have years of experience helping individuals who are having serious thoughts of suicide learn healthier ways of coping with pain. You do not have to continue to suffer in silence. Pick up the phone and call us today. While right now you may feel that things will never get better, we can help you see a brighter future.
Helping a Loved One
Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment for Suicidal Ideations
If you have a loved one who is struggling with suicidal thoughts, it can be a particularly scary situation. A person who is suicidal may not ask for help, but that doesn’t mean that they do not want any. In fact, most people who commit suicide do not actually want to die, they just want the pain they are experiencing to end. Preventing suicide from occurring starts with being able to recognize the warning signs and then taking action. Some of the warning signs that may indicate suicidal ideation may include:
- Talking about suicide
- Preoccupation with death and dying
- Seeking out lethal means
- Hopelessness
- Saying goodbye
- Withdrawing from others
- Self-hatred
- Self-destructive behaviors
- Sudden sense of calm
If you believe that someone you love is suicidal, you can play a role in preventing it by pointing out that there are alternative ways to deal with difficult life circumstances, showing that you care, and by getting mental health professionals involved. Talking to someone about his or her suicidal thoughts can be extremely difficult, but allowing the person to have the opportunity to talk can provide them with relief from loneliness and pent up emotions. The staff at our treatment center in Columbus have some tips to keep in mind when talking to someone about his or her suicidal thoughts:
- Be yourself
- Listen
- Be sympathetic and non-judgmental
- Offer help and reassurance that everything will be alright
- Do not argue with the person
- Do not lecture or act shocked
- Avoid making promises about confidentiality
- Do not blame yourself
Why Seek Treatment
Why Consider Treatment for Suicidal Ideations at Our Hospital in Columbus
An individual who is having suicidal thoughts is usually also facing conditions such as depression or other mental illnesses, substance abuse or addiction, or medical conditions. Suicidal thoughts and attempts at suicide take an emotional toll, and eventually it can get to a point where you are so consumed by these thoughts that you are unable to function on a daily basis. Additionally, while many acts of suicide are impulsive acts during a moment of crisis, they can leave someone with permanent serious injuries such as brain damage.
If you are having thoughts of suicide, our inpatient treatment center in Columbus may be the best place for you to get the help you need. This kind of treatment center can address both your suicidal thoughts and presenting concerns with other mental health difficulties. Through psychotherapy you can explore the issues that are making you feel suicidal and develop treatment plans and goals. Additional methods such as group and family therapy, as well as medication management, can all help people with suicidal thoughts get their life back on track.
Treatment Philosophy
Our Philosophy and Benefits of Suicidal Ideations Treatment
At Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, our treatment center for suicidal thoughts, our philosophy centers on the understanding that our patients have a history of life experiences that have contributed to the person they have become. Their current psychosocial stressors and psychiatric diagnosis represent only a small part of who they are. Through a variety of modalities, our goal is to instill hope, progress, and a renewed sense of wellness for each one of our patients.
Types of Treatment
Types of Suicidal Ideations Treatment Offered at Our Hospital in Columbus
At our hospital for thoughts of suicide in Columbus, our treatment philosophy is characterized by an active interdisciplinary approach. An interdisciplinary team of highly qualified staff composed of a psychiatrist, social workers, nurses, mental health associates, recreation therapists, and a dietician are responsible for the care and treatment of patients. Upon arriving at our hospital, you will complete a comprehensive assessment in order to determine the level of care needed and to identify any specific needs. Some of the treatment methods we use include:
Medication is sometimes used when treating individuals who are having suicidal ideations. At our treatment center for suicidal ideations, all medication is monitored by a primary care physician on a regular basis in order to ensure effectiveness and to make any necessary changes.
Group therapy is held on a daily basis at our treatment center and is meant to be a time where patients can explore and learn different ways of coping with problems they are facing. Some group topics may include medication complications, mood regulation, daily living skills, and relapse prevention.
Continuing Care
Continuing Care and Levels of Treatment
When your time in our inpatient treatment center in Columbus comes to an end, you will work with your treatment team to help determine your next step in the recovery process. Some of our patients will be referred to our partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient program. Both of these are short-term structured treatment options that allow individuals to continue with the treatment they need, but also integrate back into the community. If a patient is at the point where he or she will be discharged home, he or she will be provided with case management in order to get matched up with support groups and other outside resources.