Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry is one of the leading treatment centers for individuals struggling with anxiety. Located in Columbus, Ohio Hospital offers lasting recovery for adults and seniors struggling with mental health & co-occurring addiction issues.
Treating Anxiety
Understanding Treatment for Anxiety
Anxiety is a normal human emotion that everyone experiences throughout life in reaction to daily stressors. However, those with anxiety disorders face such distress that they are unable to lead a normal life. Individuals who have some form of an anxiety disorder face constant worry and fear, so much so that they are crippled by these overwhelming feelings. If you are struggling with anxiety that is interfering with your ability to enjoy life it is time to take steps to get your life back on track. While there are many different types of anxiety disorders, there are also many effective treatment options available.
At Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, a leading hospital for anxiety, we understand how difficult it can be to live a life where you are in a constant state of fear. Our treatment centers have been designed to meet the needs of adults and senior adults who are trying to overcome their anxiety. We are a 90 bed, free-standing behavioral health hospital in Columbus, Ohio, centrally located so that we are able to accommodate all of our surrounding communities. If you are suffering from the effects of an anxiety disorder, you are not alone. We can get you the help that you need to be able to have a bright and happy future.
Helping a Loved One
Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment for Anxiety
If you have a loved one that has an anxiety disorder it can be painful to watch them suffer on a daily basis, but it is also difficult to know exactly what you can do to help. Sometimes, while we mean well, family members offer advice that really is not very helpful at all and, in some cases, can even make anxiety worse. Here are some examples of what not to say:
- Just relax
- Think about something happy
- Don’t think so much
- Don’t worry so much
While these may seem like nice things to say, they are not helpful because an individual cannot just turn off their anxiety and worry. Additionally, by calling attention to the individuals inability to relax or stop worrying, it can increase their feelings of anxiety and cause even more stress. Instead of trying to get your loved one to calm down, here are some things you can do to be helpful, according to the staff at our hospital in Columbus:
- Help your loved one find a qualified mental health professional
- Learn about anxiety disorders and how they impact people’s lives
- Be supportive
- Ask what you can do
- Help loved one stay on a daily routine
With proper treatment and support, anxiety disorders can be treated, but it is important to realize that it may take some time. Be patient as your family member goes through the recovery process and ensure him or her that you will be there for support at all times.
Why Seek Treatment
Why Consider Treatment for Anxiety at Our Hospital in Columbus
Anxiety disorders are a group of related conditions that present themselves differently in each individual. Someone with an anxiety disorder may be unable to leave the house for fear that something bad is going to happen. Others may experience panic attacks, which are periods of intense panic or fear that can strike without warning. If your anxiety has become so severe that it is impacting your daily routine, then it is time to seek professional help.
If you are struggling with an anxiety disorder, an inpatient treatment center may be the most beneficial type of treatment as it can address all of your recovery needs. Such treatment centers can help you get your anxiety symptoms under control and provide you with any medication that you may need. By receiving treatment in a center like ours, you are able to get the help that you need in the safest environment possible. This allows you to step away from the stress of your everyday life and place all of your energy into getting better. Through a combination of various therapies and medication management, a treatment center can help you get your life back.
Treatment Philosophy
Our Philosophy and Benefits of Anxiety Treatment
At Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, our anxiety treatment center in Columbus, our philosophy centers on the fact that we understand that each of our patients has a complex history of life experiences that have played a role in making them the unique individuals that they are today. The struggles that they are currently facing represent only a small part of who they have and will become. Our goal is to instill a renewed sense of hope and well-being for our patients, while in a safe and confidential setting.
Types of Treatment
Types of Anxiety Treatment Offered at Our Hospital in Columbus
The treatment here at our hospital in Columbus focuses on an active interdisciplinary approach in which our highly qualified staff take responsibility for providing thorough care and compassionate treatment for all of our patients. After completing a comprehensive evaluation, we will work with you to determine the most appropriate level of care that will best address all of your presenting concerns. Our years of experience have shown us that anxiety disorders are best treated with a combination of medication management and therapeutic techniques. Some of the treatment methods that we incorporate into our patients’ care include:
Medication management is available at our treatment center. A variety of medications, including benzodiazepines and antidepressants, are often used in the treatment of anxiety disorders. However, it should be noted that medication is most effective when used in combination with psychotherapy. While in treatment, the administration of all medications is monitored by a primary care physician in order to ensure the therapeutic effectiveness of the prescriptions and to make any necessary changes.
Group therapy is held on a daily basis at our treatment center in Columbus and is a time where patients can meet together to explore different ways of coping with the struggles that they are facing due to their anxiety. It can also be extremely beneficial in helping patients realize that they are not alone and that other individuals are having similar struggles. Some of the topics we cover in group include coping skills, mood regulation, daily living skills, and medication management.
Continuing Care
Continuing Care and Levels of Treatment
The staff at our hospital for anxiety in Columbus does everything they can to make the discharge process as smooth as possible, making sure that every patient has an aftercare plan put in place before leaving our treatment center. When time for discharge approaches, you will work with your treatment team as you decide on your next step in the recovery process. For some patients, the next step may be a partial hospitalization program or an intensive outpatient program, both of which are designed to help patients continue treatment, while slowly integrating back into the community. If patients are at a point where they are ready to return home, our case management team will work with them to find appropriate support groups and any needed traditional outpatient therapy services.