Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry is one of the leading treatment centers for individuals struggling with dementia. Located in Columbus, Ohio Hospital offers lasting recovery for adults and seniors struggling with mental health & co-occurring addiction issues.
Treating Dementia
Understanding Treatment for Dementia
Dementia is a term used to describe a collection of symptoms that include a decreased intellectual functioning that interferes with an individual’s ability to function normally on a daily basis. Those with dementia have impaired memory, language, perception, judgment, or reasoning. Additionally, they may lose control of their behaviors and emotions, develop personality changes, and have a reduction in problem solving abilities. There are many different forms of dementia, but Alzheimer’s disease is the most common. While dementia is more common in older age, it is not a normal part of the aging process, as was once thought. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with dementia, it is essential that you seek treatment as soon as possible because the earlier the diagnosis is made, the better the outcomes of treatment are going to be.
Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, a leading hospital for dementia in Columbus, provides a continuum of care for adults and seniors adults who are struggling with a number of different mental health issues. Our highly qualified staff has years of experience helping individuals who have been diagnosed with dementia. We know that this is a scary time, but with proper support and therapeutic methods you can still live life to the fullest.
Helping a Loved One
Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment for Dementia
If you have a loved one who has recently been diagnosed with dementia you are likely consumed with a number of different emotions. You may be worried about the changes that are going to occur in your loved one, wondering if you will be able to keep them comfortable, and feeling concerned about changes in your life as well. Having to care for someone with dementia can be exhausting and at times completely overwhelming. When caring for someone who has dementia, there are some preparations that need to be done sooner rather than later. Putting preparations in place can help create a smoother transition for everyone. Here are some things that need to be considered when preparing for dementia care:
- Who will make healthcare and financial decisions
- How will cares be met
- Where will your loved one live
- Develop a daily routine
- Plan activities and arrange for visitors
At our hospital in Columbus, we emphasize that it is important that you do not blame yourself and to seek outside help where possible. Talk to medical professionals for tips on how to talk to your loved one and help manage some of their symptoms. Reach out to caregiver and support groups and make sure to take some time for yourself.
Why Seek Treatment
Why Consider Treatment for Dementia at Our Hospital in Columbus
As the dementia progresses, individuals may begin to display changes in their normal behavior. This can range from inappropriate outbursts to wandering, experiencing hallucinations, and even violent behaviors. Additionally, everyday tasks such as eating, dressing, and bathing can become challenging. As memory deteriorates and the disease reaches the later stages, individuals are going to need around the clock care. It is also common for those who have been diagnosed with dementia to have other mental health or medical concerns.
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with dementia, an inpatient treatment center can be one of the most effective ways you can get the treatment you needs to get symptoms under control while also treating any other co-occurring disorders. Through psychotherapy you can explore any emotions surrounding your dementia and learn on how to cope on a daily basis. Additional methods such as group and family therapy, as well as medication management, can all be valuable for helping everyone involved in the care process learn more about dementia and learn how to establish daily routines.
Treatment Philosophy
Our Philosophy and Benefits of Dementia Treatment
At our hospital for dementia in Columbus, our philosophy centers on the understanding that our patients have a history of life experiences that have contributed to the person they have become. Their current psychosocial stressors and psychiatric diagnosis represent only a small part of who they are. Through a variety of modalities, our goal is to instill hope, progress, and a renewed sense of wellness for each one of our patients.
Types of Treatment
Types of Dementia Treatment Offered at Our Hospital in Columbus
At Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, our dementia treatment center in Columbus, we have specific inpatient units dedicated to addressing the mental health and medical needs of our senior adult patients. The approach utilized on our geriatric units is interdisciplinary in nature and is provided by registered nurses, licensed practical nurses, psychiatrists, nurse practitioners, internists, social workers, recreational therapists, mental health associates, state tested nursing assistants, a dietician, and others as appropriate. Our nursing team members actively assist in the development of individualized, goal-directed nursing care and are responsible for participating in the development of a therapeutic milieu conducive to regaining a maximum state of wellness for each patient. When you arrive at our hospital for dementia you will first complete a comprehensive assessment in order to determine the level of care needed and to identify specific patient needs. Some of the treatment methods we use include:
Medication is used in the treatment of dementia in order to help improve mental function, mood, and behavior. While there is no cure, medication can help keep an individual at their highest level of functioning for as long as possible. At our treatment center, all medication is monitored by a primary care physician on a regular basis in order to ensure effectiveness and to make any necessary changes.
Group therapy is held on a daily basis at our treatment center and is meant to be a time where patients can connect with others who are going through similar issues and lean on each other for support. Some group topics may include medication management, mood regulation, daily living skills, and anger management.
At our hospital for dementia in Columbus, we use a holistic approach to treatment in order to bring about mental health treatment for the mind, body, and spirit, which is why we provide our patients with complementary psychiatry services. These may include:
- Art therapy
- Gym
Continuing Care
Continuing Care and Levels of Treatment
When your time in our inpatient treatment center in Columbus comes to an end, you will work with your treatment team to develop a plan for continued care. The discharge process is done to help make the transition to the next level of care as smooth as possible. Some of our patients will be referred to our partial hospitalization or intensive outpatient program. Both of these are short-term structured treatment options that allow individuals to continue with the treatment they need, but also integrate back into the community. If a patient is at the point where they will be discharged home, they will be provided with case management in order to get matched up with support groups and other outside resources.
In some instances, those who are in the later stages of dementia are no longer able to return home and may need to be placed in an assisted living center. If this is the case, we will work with loved ones to identify treatment that everyone would be comfortable with.