Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry is one of the leading treatment centers in Columbus for individuals struggling with co-occurring pain pill addiction issues. Substance abuse and addiction are only treated in our dual diagnosis program.
Treating Pain Medication Addiction
Understanding Treatment for Pain Pill Addiction
No one goes to the doctor with a problem that requires narcotic pain medication with the intention of becoming an addict. But it happens. And if it’s happened to you, you’re not alone— prescription painkiller abuse is on the rise in the United States. If you are abusing pain pills you have most likely begun to notice some problems arising in your life. You are now engaging in drug-seeking behaviors in order to keep feeling that euphoria and are socially withdrawing from things you once loved. As your drug abuse has begun to impair your ability to function on a daily basis you are most likely struggling to keep up with your responsibilities at home, work, or school. Additionally, you may feel trapped in an endless cycle of abuse and are unable to see any hope for the future. Life doesn’t have to be this way.
At Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, a leading hospital for pain pill addiction in Columbus, we provide a spectrum of care for adults and older adults in a secure, serene environment that’s conducive to both healing and recovery. We will teach you how to break the psychological aspect of addiction and start down the pathway to recovery. Using an interdisciplinary team of medical and psychiatric professionals, we will help you learn the skills you need to recover and thrive.
Pain pill abuse and addiction is only treated in our dual diagnosis program.
Helping a Loved One
Helping a Loved One or Family Member Get Treatment for Pain Medication Addiction
If your loved one has become hooked on prescription narcotics, you’re probably feeling a ton of different emotions. You’ve probably had to assume some of your loved one’s responsibilities around the house as he or she is no longer able to fulfill these chores. You may feel frustrated by his or her promises of quitting only to discover that he or she is still using. Your loved one may have taken to stealing from you in order to get the money needed to pay for their prescription painkiller habit. You feel isolated and alone, knowing that he or she must get help – before it’s too late. Here are some do’s and do not’s from our Columbus medical professionals to keep in mind when you approach your loved one about getting professional help.
Make sure you do:
- Speak your mind – if you believe your loved one is addicted to prescription painkillers, say something to him or her
- When you approach your loved one, do so using “I” statements, such as “I’ve noticed” rather than “you” statements, which are much more accusatory
- Research potential drug addiction treatment centers and tour the center with your loved one
- Reassure your loved one that you will support him or her throughout the whole treatment process
- Take time for yourself every day – even if it’s just some quiet time reading a book or journaling, you matter too
- Seek support in others – talk to a good friend, find a therapist, and join a support group such as Nar-Anon to help you process the situation
Make sure that you do not:
- Blame yourself – your loved one’s prescription painkiller addiction isn’t your fault; there’s nothing you could or should have done to prevent it
- Threaten, bribe, punish, or preach to your loved one
- Assume his or her responsibilities – it makes your loved one feel as though he or she is not important
- Use prescription painkillers with the addict
- Shelter your loved one from the consequences of his or her behaviors
- Hide or throw away his or her painkillers
- Attempt to argue with him or her while he or she is intoxicated
Why Consider Treatment for Addiction
Why Consider Treatment for Pain Pill Addiction at Our Hospital in Columbus
If you’ve been abusing prescription painkillers for a while, you may have found that you need more and more of the drugs to get high as your body becomes more tolerant to the narcotics. You may have tried to get pills too many times and your doctor is now refusing to give you anymore, forcing you to buy them off the street when you can find them. You may have lost your job and are facing economic struggles as you are increasingly unreliable at work. Your loved ones may have abandoned you, unable to watch you spiral further downward into prescription narcotic addiction. You don’t have to continue down this path of self-destruction – there is hope.
An acute inpatient center that treats prescription painkiller abuse and combines medical management with psychotherapeutic approaches like ours in Columbus has proven to be one of the best starting points for people with addiction issues. Going inpatient can help you escape from the triggers and stresses of your daily life and spend all of your energy focusing upon what matters most – getting better. Through inpatient treatment, you’ll work to build upon the existing skills you have within you in order to develop resiliency and begin down the road to recovery.
Treatment Philosophy
Our Philosophy and Benefits of Pain Medication Addiction Treatment
At Ohio Hospital for Psychiatry, our pain medication addiction treatment center in Columbus, we pride ourselves on getting to know our patients on a personal level. We firmly believe that each person who comes to us for help has a host of life experiences that have contributed in some way to the person he or she has become. Current psychosocial stressors and psychiatric problems represent only a small fraction of who each of our patients truly are. Through a variety of therapeutic approaches, our goal is to instill hope and a sense of progress, along with a renewed sense of wellness to each person we treat.
Types of Treatment
Types of Treatment Offered at Our Pain Pill Addiction Hospital in Columbus
When you first come to us for treatment, you’ll undergo an array of assessments in order to allow us to best determine how to treat you. Our medical evaluation will assess and diagnose any medical complications caused by your prescription painkiller abuse, as well as the types of substances in your body. The psychiatric evaluation will determine if you’re struggling with any co-occurring psychiatric problems and determine the severity of your addiction. We’ll compile the results of these examinations and then sit down with you and your loved ones to create a plan of care for your stay with us that meets all of your needs – mind, body, and spirit.
Medication may be used at the beginning of your stay at our treatment center in Columbus as a means to control any unpleasant withdrawal symptoms and then slowly tapered down as you become increasingly stable. Others may find they need longer-term medication management in order to cope with co-occurring mental health disorders such as depression or anxiety. The usage of medication will be based upon the recommendations of your treatment team.
Group therapy is often considered to be the cornerstone of addiction treatment as it allows you to meet and bond with others facing similar struggles with addiction. Group topics at our treatment center will vary, but can include medication compliance, coping with side effects, coping skills, and relapse prevention.
Continuing Care
Continuing Care and Levels of Treatment
As the time for your discharge from our Columbus hospital approaches, you’ll work closely with our care team to help determine the next best steps in your treatment and recovery. Many of our clients opt to step down from our treatment center into our structured outpatient option – our intensive outpatient program (IOP) which allows for therapy during the day while allowing you to spend your evenings and weekends slowly returning to your community. Still others may feel they’ve made enough progress in our inpatient treatment center to discharge home with referrals to our traditional outpatient treatment option, support groups, and available community resources.